You not being in my religion, Church of the Spaghetti Monster, gives me the absolute right to not pay for anything at all that sustains your enemy beliefs, including your life. If you don’t like LifeHacker don’t read it. How hard is that for the free market?
When I working in IT, some projects or maintenance required long, long, and often overnight hours. The camaraderie was fun, and before that, I’d worked overnight in the grocery bussines too. If done for any length of time, it will totally change your circadian rhythms and boost a hell-rasin’ attitude. We often broke…
Don’t worry trump Floridian’s, according to one of your favorite mouthpieces, hurricanes are fake to suit liberal’s scientific climate change argument and free-market price gougers. If they claim it’s on the ground along the gulf coast, stand your ground–even if your head is underwater.
Florida Man attempts to return home at the end of spawning season.
From American Beauty (1999) Sam Mendes, Alan Ball–”Never underestimate the power of delusion.”
“Welcome back my friends to the show that never ends
Rumor in America has transcended its roots as a local curiosity of soap dish coffee clutch gossip from the self-absorbed and delusional perception of an isolated outsider to personal conspitorial group persecution to factcheck asterisk of masturbatory self-righteousness. The deeper the inhale of shock the greater the…
I had a top tier ‘86, 2nd owner; bought it from a relative for 5k and drove it daily in DFW. We journeyed to Roswell, New Mexico for the 50th anniversary of the alien crash and our hotel room was 30 miles away. The vacant back roads of a night time summer in NM were paved, flat, and curvy enough. At 90-110 MPH–yes I…
Not a Chevy Caprice, but lots and lots of gratuitous Chicago police cars. Best use for ex-police cars?
I use a SlateGo Mini (no fan or power or ports) and it seems to work fine. iSkelter has several different desk mode models, but all I needed is to keep my lap and computer separate enough to cool both. However, I did modify it to keep the plastic feet on my laptop from being chewed up. I plugged the four corner holes…
“...and the horse jumped over the moon.”
trump reveals plans to defeat ISIS is almost 30+ days. He will out Daesh’s enemies as part of the his un-wed, un-seen daughter’s dowery in a marriage to their tribal religious leader; and thus making their actions not terrorism, but merely a family squabble. Rather or not the marriage will include American citizenship…
1st gear: Can I just say, hahahaha, lol. I guess a self-guillotine could be considered a metaphor for the alt-right, alt-world view of ignorant protectionism.