THC honey?
THC honey?
Optics require that one believe in Science, a dead mythology of the ancient past. Now, everyone knows that the only way to actually get to nirvana or heaven is corruption and as much of it as you can spend in multiple lifetimes. Just ask the family living in the People’s House.
A Quinn Martin Production?
Is it an “old things are new again,” moment or more of a “if you don’t read history, you are doomed to repeat it,” era?
“United, we love to beat your face and it shows.”
Yes, but those Russian bats are only 2" x 1” flaccid, not like the hickory stout and stiff regulation bats of the good old American MLB.
Hahahaha, lol and die.
IDK about Mr. Rowe? He seems to be one of those actors/entertainment spokes models who believes their own press, the words, or role someone else wrote for them. He makes a lot of money talking about being a member of the skilled working class and not not making money at it. If only as a token, he is a member of the…
The Beast of Turin, 28.5 L, (via: jalopnik) seems appropriate somehow. They start it at 1:42.
IMO, it is the ever average All-American Iacocca mindset where price and cost are is the only important characteristics of a product. It is the ignorant delusion that a lower price/cost is always better.
Wow, it’s the new disruption feature of Uber, Uber Flame.
Any tears for NASCAR?
Shrieky-sphincter Spice.
In college, I had late 70's MG Midget and I loved that car. It was super small, light weight, tight, and fast enough (rear wheel drive, 4-speed manual). When it was running, Texas backroads at night in the summer with the top down and grasshoppers, gnats, mosquitos bursting on window, it was heaven on wheels. However,…
Tons of screemin’ screechin’ Detroit steel with goons bouncing in Hawaiian sunshine, “and still she persisted.”
Is the donald and his family or the GOP setting up a rustic-hipster cruise line?
It must be the afterglow of triple pronging the Imperial Grand Anus of the New Confederacy of Sphincters, formally known as the GOP.