I'll have mine straight, with 6 cylinders

Calling a used car with an open recall a "ticking time bomb" is a bit dramatic.

Those cops could use a lesson from this guy...

Well, it's a mix of colours....

Orange. When done right, it is great.


Orange should be the new black


Add in 'best looking' as well.

As I said, the difference is negligible. But the truth must be known, if only to remind all of us to ask every question there is when presented with information from manufacturers.

Circuit of the Americas. It's wide enough that you don't have to run half the race under caution when the cars inevitably crash every 15 minutes, it appears to be made of American flags, the stands would fill to the brim, and because America.

... is the anti-women-driver system an option or installed at the factory?

When they moved several 170,000 pound beams across town in Portland last year, one finally rolled, on a bridge no less - luckily the woman pinned in a crushed car made it out alive.

Looks like he made the turn just fine. I suppose he should probably have been continuing to look in his mirrors to check if everything was OK, but it looked more like the rear trailer section was crabbing off to the side, and wasn't lined up properly.

Seriously, though, that cab WHIPPED over at the end there. That poor

What we didn't see is the owner changing 3 head gaskets while traversing the entire mudpit.

Mercedes-Benz has a long tradition of turning cars into planes.

Is the D in the rear?

Not even close:

Nope. THIS is: