Couldn’t. Agree. More.
Couldn’t. Agree. More.
People were going on about how last week’s many meeting drew a lot of tears. But Brienne’s knighting is probably the first time this show has made me misty.
Good observations. Here’s how I saw it: it was indeed linked to the flashback, and Mike was struggling to contain feelings of sorrow and empathy (I don’t think he was angry at Stacey - I think he wanted to take on some sort of reassuring/supportive role)... then realizing there was absolutely no way he’d allow his…
Speaking of True Dectective that trailer they showed afterwords looks promising.
Between this and The Terror we have had some amazingly pristine, complete seasons of new shows this year. The reveal at the end was so well done, and though it left me with an appetite for the how’s and why’s of the Wind Gap murders, those after credits shots were so visceral and succinct that I think I’m totally…
movie of the year for me so far.
“Eighth Grade is a poignant film about the troubling times those early teenage years are for us all. It reminds you of the difficulty, the feelings of awkwardness...of rejection...of not belonging. It brings up memories for us all of the times Mikey Bidolou would take our Game Boy and throw just one battery out the…
That look on her face. I had that look frozen on my face from about 7th grade on. I sincerely doubt I would be able to watch this.
I don’t really get why Lost in Translation generated a billion thinkpieces about cultural appropriation and the dangers of depicting an entire nation using stereotypes and Isle of Dogs didn’t. I guess because it was just a movie about a boy and his dog. Or maybe it’s ok if you’re twee as fuck. No, wait, Lost In…
Annihilation is one of the best films I’ve ever seen, and it’ll be a fantastic year for films if it doesn’t end up as my favorite of 2018. Mildly surprised it isn’t on here.
Black Panther was a hype-fest. I get; “hooray for what is represents.” But a good movie? It wasn’t a good movie just like Wonder Woman objectively wasn’t.
But what about the men?
Darkly funny is one thing, but darkly laugh out loud funny is a higher level that is really hard to do. This show did it, especially last night.
Elizabeth took the rings. She took the rings! I worry about the spy stuff (and obviously that is their most pressing concern), but my heart has been broken the most this season by the crumbling of the Jennings’ marriage. Even though they’re now on the run, Paige hates her parents, Stan’s going to have his heart broken…
Margo Matindale is sooooo fucking good it’s unfair. She lets a low key menace rise to almost the surface while never quite breaking through the Claudia facade. I was certain that scene was going to end in bloodshed. And, then she just goes back to eating soup. It’s such “Fuck you, Elizabeth Jennings. You made your…
For me Allison, the “Summit”, is a metaphoric peak. That moment after a sweat-wrenched climb, where you turn around at the top and you can finally SEE. Everything.
Philip’s new suit: He is planning, preparing, for an operation. Maybe it’s part of a costume; maybe he needs to dress in a way that makes him closely resemble someone else (Nesterenko?). Remember that we still don’t know what Philip said in his coded message to Oleg. Something’s in the works, and P and O are quietly…
At the risk of sounding dumb, are we to assume we’re done with Philip’s Russian son? As much as I adore and (over)analyze this show, that poor kid’s arc was the only “Yeah, and?” for me in the entire run. I’m even good that “when we last saw Martha she had a child now to love and to love her, problem solved,” but the…
This show is starting to make me question my own humanity.
The Americans, Henry Report 0608: