Weird. As a female it would make me uncomfortable. It would be different if you offered, but you didn’t.
Weird. As a female it would make me uncomfortable. It would be different if you offered, but you didn’t.
As long as you don’t work together-together. I love my husband but I would hate to work with him and spend home life with him too. Something to consider.
Non-speaking as non-verbal or selective mutism? I had selective mutism as a child. That is an awesome story!
Why is vegan cold weather gear more expensive. Wouldn’t synthetic materials be cheaper than animal sourced and warmer?
Any advice for achy backs? I’m out of shape and it seems like I'm in pain daily. I try to stretch and end up pulling more muscles. I want to work on my posture too, but I have no idea what good posture looks/feels like on my body. I need remedy and prevention ideas.
My last Dr.was Mr. Handsome. It was totally fun telling him all about my depression and anxiety issues. I also had an extreme case of pink eye one time. It was so not sexy.
I left teaching preschool to teach in a K12 classroom. I applied for everything even though I was highly under qualified for many positions. My parents encouraged me to go to every interview for ‘practice’.
I'm so sorry. What the hell is wrong with some people?
Don’t be afraid of the students. Get to know them. Not to an illegal level of course, but try to form a relationship with them. Know what sports they like or play or what tv shows their watching. Know the general population. The student who constantly shows up late takes the city bus, or the kid who doesn’t turn in…
Oh my yes! Unfortunately there are many Debbie Downer teachers. Don’t get caught up on their issues. It's to make a comment to a colleague behind closed doors but don't let negativity consume you. Remember why you chose teaching.
This goes for me too. I had an awful go my first year. Nothing extremely bad happened, just general issues combined with stress and lack of self-confidence. This year I’m much better. I feel cheesy, but don’t let yourself quit after the first year. Give at least three semesters.
This might just be me, but I think God would rather she protect her children then uphold a vow which he already broke.
As a librarian, you probably have better resources to find books, but I’ve enjoyed most of the links and ideas people have posted here. I also made my list on Amazon which links me with similar stories or books that people purchased together.
I feel so silly telling people about it because I have to say Language (exclamation point).
Thanks! Goosebumps was recommended to me by by teenage reader. I never read them because I am a spooky story wimp.
I love that! They ask about daily if we can have a classroom pet.
That’s super cool.
Thanks for the suggestion! I added it. Do you have any more comic suggestions? I am out of touch with this form of media.
Those look fun! I added them to the list.Those are the type of books I want. Engaging cover-to-cover type. I created an Amazon wishlist to give people ideas of the types of books I am looking for. I can share it with you if you want more ideas for your son, or you can google Hi-Lo books and get lists of ideas.
I love that series too. I think they also publish a picture book or an easy reader version. I need books that tell of different times periods and cultures. They unfortunately rarely get social studies because of high emphasis on math and language arts.