
My one tough nut to crack kid. THAT kid that every teacher has, recommended those books. It’s the only thing he’s told me so far that he likes or interests him. They must be pretty special. I also like that it incorporates Greek mythology and culture.

They love graphic novels. This is my first year in this age group, so I am unaware of popular characters and series. This made me think of adding old school comics like Peanuts or Calvin and Hobbs. I grew up reading the comic page in the newspaper especially on Sundays. I’m not sure how many families get a newspaper

Those are a great idea. They struggle with comprehension, so I need shorter stories for them to practice with. They would be especially good for my fourth grader with Austism. He’s highly visual and has an affinity for alphabet and number books.

Yes! I would also like to bring in poetry. Silverstein is a great example that poetry does not need to be abstract and boring.

Holes too, yes! I never read Bunnicula, but it was popular in Elementary. This project is slowy turing in to ‘One for you’ and purchasing an extra copy for me.

Not a way out there suggestion! There’s a reason his works are so popular even today. I am shamefully unfamiliar with his work, but I will look for some.

Thanks! Are you a teacher too? Our district uses the Language! (When googling the exclamation point is important) program in classes 4-8 with struggling readers (mine).

That’s really cool. Thank you for the suggestions. Star Wars is huge right now. Can you explain more about your son’s school?

Thank you for everything in this post. It’s my first year with the class and it doesn’t feel like it’s been cared for in a while. We don’t have a PTA.. I haven't figured out why.I use NewsELA for current events, but I tend to forget about that resource. My district implemented new language arts curriculum for

I loved those books! There was a math based one too. I’ll add them. Thank you!

I’m a long time reader, rare poster. I teach 4-6 grade students with special needs (primarily learning disorders). They hate to read. It is so challenging for them that they’d rather stare in to space then spend time reading silently. Their average reading level is below second grade. I know this community is filled

I am so proud of you! That took a lot of courage.

Yes I do!

You know, I'm not sure either. How was the rest of your night? Did you eat something? I raided the stores for leftover Halloween candy.

Hi are you me? I'm a first year teacher in SOCAL too. It is HARD. So hard. I'm in counseling and on meds for issues that are increased by the stress of teaching. PM me if you want to talk some more.

I need a favor. Does anyone know an OB/GYN, a nurse practitioner, midwife, nutritionist, endocrinologist, fertility specialist, genetic counselor, etc. who who specializes in prenatal or neonatal care that I can interview today or tomorrow about atypical pregnancy? I can email the questions. It's for school.

I'm one week in to a lifestyle change. I also suffer from a sedentary, depressive state. I too love candy. I'm trying to find a healthy alternative to sweets. Soy ice-cream and yogurts work for me. If I can do it you can. We can do it together.

No advice, I'm also looking for a first year teaching job. What you did was tremendously awesome. In some respects, new teachers are better because they're fresh out of school and are familiar with new theories and procedures. Good Luck! I'll be thinking of you.

Any experience on Accutane with depression?