Keaton Belliston

Danggg.... I gotta commend you. You’ll have to really find a sweet hot hatch to own while you’re over there.

This is a bummer. I would much rather have.GT350 than a GT500. Though, like a true Jalop, as much as I love the GT350, I never bought one.

I’m in the USA so I won’t have the option but I’d be having serious conversations with the wife if we had got the GR Yaris! It’s a Toyota, it’s ugly, and it’s a 3 cylinder.... yet here I am oogling it.

Plant my flag here with you. There is a reason my last car was this:

Did Will Partin ever find it?

Can anyone explain why small cars like the GTI and Civic have to modify their front-end design for safety, but it’s perfectly fine for every pickup truck to have a front grill as tall and flat as a brick wall?

I’m reminded of Torchwood: Miracle Day.

I’m usually on the side of artists, but this is ridiculous. IMO once you’ve put an image on to another person’s body, even if it’s your own face, you’ve lost all rights to that image. It now belongs to the person getting the tattoo.

Now playing

Hotshot Racing is another one that came out earlier this month. It’s basically a love letter to 90's arcade racers like Daytona USA and Ridge Racer.

I agree with you. I don’t think a car needs to have an overly happy face like an NA Miata, but to me, the angry look is as insecure as a guy buying a huge vehicle as “compensation.” It screams, “Look out world, I’m a badass,” when you clearly are not. Nor do you need to be.

I have a better rendering

Heavy eye liner is never the right answer


Well done, your checking all the common fallacy boxes today. Today you’ve hit the bonus points Slothful Induction Fallacy: Slothful induction is the exact inverse of the hasty generalization fallacy above. This fallacy occurs when sufficient logical evidence strongly indicates a particular conclusion is true, but

His wearing of a shirt does not interrupt anything that is happening. It is more akin to a sign in the background of a movie, which happens all the fucking time. You, like plenty of other people, are basically saying “shut up and let me live my life without bringing your struggles to my attention”. EVERY. SINGLE. form

Oh good, the venue police arrived to put that uppity man in his place, including totally senseless analogies.

Imagine thinking anti-fascists and anti-racists are violent terrorists when Nazi Germany and the KKK exist.

Imagine thinking being Anti-Racist or Anti-Fascist is a political statement. lol