Do you ever feel the urge to get under the hood of your ISF, though? Do you ever check your oil just to bask in the engineering?
Do you ever feel the urge to get under the hood of your ISF, though? Do you ever check your oil just to bask in the engineering?
Brake calipers are for chumps.
I’m at a loss for words. COTD
So instead of going flat, a chunk of foam breaks off?
Those videos on Donut are unbearable. Everybody on the production team needs to take a xanax.
So they can shatter? Don’t buy knockoff parts, especially when it’s deadly when they inevitably fail.
205/50/15 is the exact size of my wheels on my Integra and they weigh practically nothing!
I see those far more often than most considering I’m paraplegic. They're actually pretty clever, with low handles and floor but high roof and plenty of cargo space. I'll stick with my Integra though. It works way better than you'd think...
My Integra just crossed a quarter million miles on its original engine! Runs like new because I actually do basic maintenance on it.
Why do you seemingly always have the worst takes?
Right? Not the best vehicle to get across the message of poor pay...
49 minutes of Hell.
A B-pillar is just a structural requirement these days. Hardly critical to nomenclature.
I fuckin read that exactly like LL before I even saw the accompanied picture lmao
You mean Michigan? They skipped right the fuck over Michigan!
What about the Alpine A110?