
As good as these cloud do look. You CANT beat a seeing a 'Morning Glory'

Oh, I wish I could tell a story as good as a seanchaí (or a 'drunk lad' as we like to call them over here in the emerald isle!). I find that when I open my mouth to tell a story in the pub, my mates are actually reaching for the invisible remote control to fast forward the story. It really isn't my forte.

@Spiders88: Arkham Asylum uses a different type of 3D than the stereoscopic 3D mentioned above. It uses glasses similar to the red/blue ones that were used all those years ago for Jaws 3D etc. It uses glasses that have green/magenta coloured films in there. Oh and it has been released on XBOX 360, PS3 and PC too. You

@cyber rat: Thank you to DeanB for showing me how to love again.

@JRock: What did you make of the guy in the top hat?

@jshmoopy: Shock and Awe (Extreme) took me a full day and a half of SOLID playing. Slept for 7 hours at night. Breezed through the other ones though.

@Salari: The best way to do it is shoot the bear with a pistol a couple of time and then lasso him. He will start to run away when you let go of him. Chase him into a corner keep lassoing him and chasing him while quickly changing to your knife and slicing him when turns around. Tough. But didn't mange to get some

Right. I chatted to 'Shmooves' yesterday about this but I just wanna see what other people have made of it.

@kearneybobs: Here's the inside with their signatures.

I went to the Stereophonics here in Dublin for my 18th birthday 8 and a half years ago. Loved it. What made it even more special was that a group of my mates had gone into town the day before the concert and had gotten a birthday card signed by all of them at a signing. Still have it pinned to my bedroom wall to this

For a post apocalyptic game it sure is lacking some greys and browns that we've all come accustomed to.

Here you go. Let me finish that sign for you

@chinaguy: Oh man. Do they still use the bamboo over there in construction? Was in HK a couple of years ago and I couldn't actually believe that it was so common to use as scaffolding. Scared the shit out of me seeing workers on them. Kept on thinking that it was going to break on them. But in reality, it's probably

@nzapster: I held off for so long before I upgraded. And have upgraded only once. In fairness, it's in apple's own interest to start giving this one out for free. I'd say that so many people with touches aren't bothering to upgrade and are therefore not gonna purchase apps on the app store due to them not actually

One might say, there will be a paradigm shift coming soon.

Now playing

@jetRink: Brilliant. Would never have though to have done this. You see the video posted in speakup the other day with the lady donkey that is ridable?

@enDyne: I loved how they treated the end of the game too once you start taking control of Jack. Initially you have nothing to do but roam around. And when you get into Blackwater you are greeted with a stranger side-quest which leads to you tracking down Ross with the credits rolling afterwards. Brilliantly done.

@arionfrost: Jumped on the Droid badwagon two weeks ago too and got myself a HTC Desire. LOVE IT.

@Showmeyomoves!: Exactly the same thing. His conscience possibly. Although it did enter my mind the he could have been the devil. Did you meet him three times? On the third time you meet him if you remember, he's standing on the ridge behind your farm. He starts talking to you about how this exact spot is a rather

@Pheermee: I turn to Kotaku for a large portion of my gaming news. BUT, they don't post half of the news out here. I find Joystiq very good/quick too but I only got there to read the articles. Don't comment there.