
@Showmeyomoves!: About three or four missions of meeting up with the wife/hunting with Jack I began to wonder was all this necessary. Or was the end of the game going to stop with him living the on the ranch with his family. Happily ever after.

@JRock: Going for the 100% and not knowing what is left to do is a bit annoying. Especially since the game doesn't sync up with the SocialClub website properly. But it is definitely worth going over there and seeing what you've left to do.

@JRock: I just got 100% myself out two hours ago. Had to finish off some bounties in the south of the map and I was done. Loved that game.

@deadend: Here you go. The warioware one

@geiko: And so is Rio ferdinand for England. But I suppose that's no real major loss there now is it?

@Mariblanka: .GIFs never play too well with Kotaku. If you wanna be able to see them properly, right click them and open in a new tab/window. Or click the mouse-wheel on them to do the same thing.

@Kobun: I'll add that to the list, just below babies and the elderly. Got it.

I've got my first driving lesson in about 8 hours. I really should get to bed. Seeing as it's 4:30 in the morning here. Not too worried about it. But a little nervous. I really shouldn't have left it until my mid/late 20s to start driving.

Oh man, I love using Adobe Illustrator. I got 'intimate' with it's inner workings years ago when I was studying for my Degree and again when I was researching for my Masters. Hard to get a handle of, but once you do, you're flyin'

@theALLseeingEYE: I have the dumbed down version of that for the PSP but it doesn't have ll the other games that are included in the PS3/Xbox360 release of it, since they loaded that up with so many games and sequels that weren't in the PSP one. Sad I went and bought it now for the PSP.

@theALLseeingEYE: Hmm. Maybe I'll have to download some roms or something to remind myself. Because god knows I ain't paying those prices on Steam for them. Not a chance.

@Dr.Saliva: I played through the first one. Loved it. Went straight into the second one and it was not as engaging, as well written or as much fun to play. But it was still enjoyable. Maybe I had a little bit of nostalgia running through my veins when playing the second one, seeing as that was how I got introduced to

@tomsomething: played through it last month and it took me 42 hours.Fuck that's a long game, but it really flies by.

@Raggle Fraggle: Oh god. It's gonna head down the same road that Mass Effect 2 went down isn't it?

@KnightsofRound: Let's not blow this out of proportion now. On it's own, the second game aint a bad game by any stretch of the imagination.

@ploopsy: Oh man, If I had a PS2 that was working I'd play this game in a heartbeat. But I Don't have a working one. Loved that game so much.

@theALLseeingEYE: I'll take Shadow Dancer over Shinobi III any day. But then again, my memory is shot to shit. So I cant really remember if I liked it or not now.

Can't wait to hear some more news from Duke Lombardi and his glass pants.

Can't wait to see the Youtube video that's coming when someone Wrex it.