
@Nihilius: yeah. Only wanted one or two decks of the cards and they are asking me to pay a minimum of $17 shipping to Ireland. Not on my nelly! Ebay it is

@hot_heart: Yeah, but you can just whistle and call another employee to do the work.

@Jack McCauley: That's my incoming message alert. It frightens the living shit out of me.

@Eseph: I'm not as far into the game as you and have yet to come across a bear yet. Although, my next sharpshooter challenge is to take down 3 of them with one shot. Only on Treasure hunter 5 too

@JRock: In the same boat as you too. Loving the treasure maps and challenges. Not cheating either. The game didn't seem to grab me at first. Maybe the first couple of missions. But after that I couldn't drop it. I find myself heading for missions across the other side of the map just to ride over there and maybe do

Do I have to have internet connection at all times to see the Ubisoft coverage on Kotaku?

@Deanb: Oh yeah. I wondered about those. I don't really have a problem with them IF they don't take the place of the 'proper' articles. Don't mind them being there to post something that really doesn't warrant a whole post about it but is interesting all the same. I remember Totilo used to post an article at the end

@Deanb: Care to explain what a quick links are?

Turns out that will be a bit of an epilogue on the season 6 DVD and the Complete Collection DVDs of

A prime example of

@Wuffles: Yeah, RdR hasn't arrived in the post today. Suppose I'll have to wait till monday or something

@josh6135: I couldn't max it out with my q6600 (OC'd to 3.0) 4 gig RAM and a GTX 275. You should be gand but I'm not sure if you would be able to max it out. Even dumbing down the graphics it still looks amazing. The graphics options in the game are very flexible too allowing you do even reduce the number of cars on

@jeangrae: But let's be honest. You could still call him 'Irish' if they were to do that though.

@Wadetalon: Keep looking, You'll probably find the confessions of a few more down there too.

@Venix: Ah, ethanol, how different my life would be without it. For starters, I wouldn't have this gash on my forehead!

@shallbejudged: Funny you should mention that. My sister was home from Australia with her new born and Scottish husband. They went to the Guinness storehouse/brewery and took the tour. Her little one was sippin on the Guinness. Was loving it. Couldn't get enough of it. Delicious stuff, it is.