
Managed to defy my low battery:

Can anyone who knows the ins and outs explain why he’s no longer at Nerdist and its parent company? Wishful thinking to think they got wise and let him go?

I know a lady who is like this. She is the worst.

I’m booing just for reading Tim Allen’s name.

Stormy aka Stephanie is a world-class modern day shero and people like Meghan McCain should be ashamed of themselves for asking her condescending questions like she did today on The View.

It probably doesn’t cure anything (especially none of the awful things), but hell if it isn’t the only thing that gets me to sleep since my husband died. And keeps the PTSD cancer death related thoughts at bay.

These jabs are great and all, but this motherfucker was still part of the reason Trump won. The whole hand size thing...can dudes stop thinking about their dicks for like 2 seconds?

Funny story: One of Wyatt Earp’s jobs, as deputy sheriff, was to confiscate the guns of people who came in to town. You could have your gun back when you left town, but you couldn’t have it while in town.

Man, I wish I could live until 2068 when conservatives of that time will be praising Kaepernick for his ‘non-violent protest’ the same way they do MLK now, even though when both men were doing their thing, conservatives totally hated their guts.

You don’t see chainsaws or ATVs in Manhattan, BKLYN, LA, Chicago, Boston, Seattle, Portland, Austin, Miami etc et... so I disagree. It is very abnormal to own chainsaws and ATVs. Same is true for guns.

Hey, Canadian here. The fact that Americans just casually carry around guns on their person is...well, fucking crazy.

I happen to agree with you. I was just trying to point out where that “have to carry” mindset can come from.

Since 2016, every time I read an article anywhere, my first response is Jesus Fucking Christ. True story.

To own a gun is to normalize gun ownership. That is a problem. Owning a gun is a problem. Gun owners are the problem.

I can’t find the news article now, thanks to this news development, but there’s a connection between states that have concealed weapon laws and guns being left in the bathroom. (You can’t go to the bathroom with your gun on your body. That’s why guns keep getting left behind.)

“Responsible gun owner? Not sure what you mean. Sounds like an oxymoron to me. I have never come across a responsible gun owner and don’t believe such a person exists. By definition, owning a gun is to be irresponsible.”

Mine would be - 2 kids, 2 dogs, 1 cat, 1 husband but the only thing I’m counting are checks (insert money grab hands)

I Love this.

Housewives is also at its best when they’re just straight up weird, like Scary Island or the Berkshires.

What would you housewives tagline be? Mine would probably be something ultra corny, like “I might be diabetic, but that doesn’t mean I’m sweet.” and then there would be a shot of me asleep on the couch with a giant lollipop stuck to my sweater because I declined to shoot the promo scene in a fucking ballgown.