
Correct. Only the first owner gets the long warranty, everyone else only gets 5yr/60k miles. No more bumper to bumper. Kia does the same thing. 

why did you not lemon out this car? 

I like my Telluride. Really. If parts availability wasn’t an issue (damn deer!) it would be 100% done. That’s the big miss with Kia. Waiting on an air dam but I have it. They’ll need to pull off the bumper (again) to install it. Whenever the part comes in. There were two available in Chicago, and I didn’t get either

I visited that are of Alaska in early October of ‘23. Bus 142 was at the University of Alaska - Fairbanks. They had not started the restoration that I saw, or were just beginning restoring it. They had a separate building where they were going to move it to for that purpose, then it was to go back outside. At least

Any diesel truck. Mainly anything major needs to be done...remove the cab. wow. pass. 

Do they have built in parachutes?

I’m all for catching these people. Sell the cars out of state. Use proceeds to donate to charity. Please don’t crush!

Hopefully the car didn’t have the shake(r) option, because they are never working. 

Diesels really do get better MPG. BIL & wife both DD 1500 diesels. Wife never really leaves town, and gets low 20's. BIL running 55/65 on two lane roads did get an average of 42. Both are crew cab, 4WD. The dually is a different story.

On the way home a few years ago, I was following a couple of vehicles, one happened to be transporting a travel trailer. Out of nowhere, he locked up the brakes and stopped. I was 1/2 way through a WTF when I noticed the power pole bouncing up and down. It was leaned way over, toward the road. It had a very low hanging

Please, unpimp that ride. 

My parents both had white vehicles at one point. Dad had an 86 Toyota truck, mom an 89 Celica. Hers what “Super White” and his was a darker shade. The car would show every single speck of dirt. his could be run through a mud bog and still look clean, until you swiped one spot clean then boom - dirty.

Sadly it closed, but there was a car wash about 2/10 of a mile from my house where the automatic that included undercarriage was $3. Then it went to $4. Was nice because I could get all or most of the snow and gunk off without getting out of my car then beeline home without too much other gunk on it.

It really chaps me when some people really put the cart before the horse. We need to do this equates to very poor planning, and even worse follow up as it’s already in place, but very VERY poorly executed.

I’ve seen a lot of midwesterners over the years do this same thing. Just lazy. 

Came here to say 4Runner & it’s family, was not disappointed. 

Do the kids call this docking?

I get sometimes that signs with long messages can be distracting, taking your eyes off the road, where they should be. I don’t always have a passenger to read the funny signs, or pay attention to the alerts on my phone about a missing person, or be able to look for that person, or remember that license plate number

A small (<90 lbs) deer hit my Telluride, front bumper. Just went into the shop for an estimated $4k. Cost of everything has gone up. Shops need to cover their own health insurance, cost of labor, and part makers need to do the same. 

Inquiring mind wants to know...what were all the charges?