
Really? I mean REALLY? A KID GETS MURDERED and what bothers you is that the picture is not updated!?! REALLY !!!!! The fact is that there are 3 other people who know what happened you nitwit. The fact is that the cop’s own body cam showed he lied, you nitwit. Why don’t you read the whole article before you post these

I think you missing what is actually being said, for every action there is a reaction, and in this case violence without justice begets violence.

You know, we don’t know if he’s a racist but it seems like a safe bet, besides how many white neighborhoods do you ever hear of these types of murders happening? I think you are misguided in your thoughts. So giving your line of thought ..... if we don’t call these murders racist then that would deter them from

You fuckin Idiot, who in the fuck cares if the picture is up to date or not !!! A fuckin CHILD was murdered by a racist cop and they are trying to justify it with lies and and protect a MURDERER all your dumb ass can come up with is that the picture is not that of a 15 year old. you’re A FUCKIN moron !!!