ken dux

#16; a master cylinder leaking fluid will not cause your clutch to slip, it will make it difficult to disengage, fully. The pressure plate supplies enough force to prevent the clutch disk from slipping, if the disk is in good shape, which I suspect, in your case, is not.

And that is not even taking into consideration the horrendous violent crime rate! It is going to be a shit show.

Why no just patch it with a plug. It is a process used in N.America, all the time, and for over 40 years. You don’t even have to remove the wheel from the vehicle, or the tire from the rim. No need to rebalance the tire/rim, or torque the wheel nuts.

As a professional mechanic, of 30 years, I use to tune into Shadetree Mechanic, once in a while. The funniest thing I ever saw on that show, was when they were going to show how to tune a mid 80's Ford with a V V carb. They were talking and doing their thing, while removing the carb from the engine. Once unbolted, the

....and taking your picture with hi-def cameras, like this on.

That is the newly developed ‘Robin Hood’ bomb. Seems they got it right, right off the get go.

Bugs are attracted to your exhale, (Co2), so the bats were ridding you pests.

Three cylinders.

All automotive dealerships are divided into the ‘dark side’, (repair) and the ‘light side’, (sales). Having been a mechanic in a dealership for 20 years, and watching the smug know nothing sales people, come and go, this makes me smile. Sad for the Z06. “ hey Joe, what’s this third pedal do?”