
I'll be buying this as my next laptop and doing away with having a desktop all together. I have my gaming desktop that I built ~1500$ and my 15" Macbook Pro. This machine has everything I love about my MBP and my desktop all rolled into one device. Sold.

Oh thank god I was about to hang my head in nerdy shame(awesomenss) haha

I thought you were going for a Doctor who reference to the The Doctors Wife, my bad.

Fear me I killed all the TV shows?

My thoughts exactly.

The tablet effect, this worries me. Laptops/Desktops are the only way to effectively get things done. Sure tablets can get basic functions done but not to the extent a laptop or desktop can. Oh but wait I can buy a table then attach a keyboard and a bluetooth mouse eventually, so why not just get the laptop with a

The K-9 app is actually a reference to Doctor Who, not to actual dogs :)

Awesome haha

So glad I didn't purchase the upgrade. I'm also glad that the route Apple is going with it's computers further backs up my decision to not buy another Apple machine.

Suddenly my love for Android falters....

I fail to see the issue with the notification panel, you can turn of specific notifications in the apps that you're running. As for the custom UI's manufactures put on there, you're 100% right, they need to be an option not a requirement. Although HTC Sense is probably the best custom, of coarse I'm rooted and have

I'd also recommend adding in MyFitnessPal, it's great for monitoring your food intake and setting goals. I've lost 40lbs because of this app.

The Macbook Air has a laughable size hard drive that's why I'll never waste my money one one.

I own all the books I'm covered! haha

I disagree! They're great books I read them on on hardcover then got the epub file and read them again!

That's how I got them on my Kindle.

I've got all 7 books on my Kindle, weird :)

How much with they cost? I want one!

Where was this when I was in school? I'd have bought a tablet just for this.

I feel for ya man, this is insanity. Comcast is awful.