This seems counter productive. There IP address will be tracked and thus them. I'm all for them getting taken out, so thanks Taliban for making it easier!
This seems counter productive. There IP address will be tracked and thus them. I'm all for them getting taken out, so thanks Taliban for making it easier!
I like their laptops, desktops I build myself (gaming). This makes me question buying anymore of their machines...
First off I love your username and while I 100% agree Apple removing the ability to upgrade your hard drive is pure insanity. Hard drives fill up, I gotta replace the one in my MBP. If I had to buy a new machine because I couldn't upgrade the hard drive I'd loose my mind. Obviously I could make use of externals but…
This is by far the STUPIDEST thing I've read all day. Apple has some serious issues, before anyone get's on me I have a Macbook Pro.
Thoughts on sweat resistant headphones? I'd like the Shures but they're not sweat resistant :(
I love the use of the Slitheen for this post.
I'm quite sad that Smallville is departing, he better put the suit on an fly! Otherwise I'm going to be pissed that I waited 10 years for nothing. As for Doctor Who, quite pumped we're going to see a bit more of the inside of the TARDIS.
Yes I know, however they used Hendrix's version on the final episode :)
Yes it is originally Dylan's however the song used in the showwas Hendrix's.
Jimi Hendrix's All Along the Watchtower, fixed your article for you. :) Although it's awesome.
I miss playing paper RPGs :(
Someone reads /r/doctorwho =p
Apple can never do anything wrong in Gizmodos eye!
Awesome haha
I'd also like to note that Android requires to to opt in for them to 'track this information'. So no freak out is needed at all, you could have declined.
They really need to do some sort of Heroes wrap up, I followed the show until the end sadly.
I usually go based of reviews/friends and then I decide if I'll use it enough to warrant the purchase. Usually if I do buy an app, I just wont buy a coffee that day and it'll even out lol
Gandalf didn't smoke weed. It was hobbit tobacco and furthermore, Lembas bread is the bread given to them from the elves in Mirkwood not a weed.
Android ftw!
I'm at work and seriously fighting tears, sad day.