
I wouldn't be surprised if she left. She probably got pregnant with Rori's baby and is off to start their life together.

My brain hurts, I wan 7:20 of my life back.

I miss Ultima Online :(

Won't take off, USB 3.0 will beat it out.


These look like University of Massachusetts Dartmouth.....

How can they see this post unless they've already setup dial-up?!

And this is why it will never take off, people are to technology dumb.

None of them, custom built *

@Olenmonkey: Indeed, looks a lot like my levitating one I have at my desk at work as well.

@ddrussianinja: I thought the same thing. I appreciate any and all DW references though.



Generic priolosec from my doctor, gotta take a pill for it every day. GERD sucks :( But gum does help.

@uthinkukno: That's Apple's fault for not wanting to make an LTE phone, not Verizons. They don't early adopt, this is a well known fact.

Poor At&t they're now screwed.

@SoundShineDJ: Ya AT&T is pretty much screwed, if Verizon does indeed get the iPhone tomorrow.

@HektikLyfe: Well you're obviously not a fan, so GTFO! =p

@HiAperture: You bring up valid points. However if Verizon plans to keep their unlimited data for it the iPhone, which I'm sure they are seeing as they did for every other device. Anyone that wants an iPhone that picks AT&T will be flat out crazy, at least in my area especially. Verizon destroys At&t, I had the iPhone