
If that is what it would look like, I would never ever buy it. Looks hard to use, and pointless to have a screen that flipping small.

Build one yourself, better parts, better performance, and for much cheaper.

They really need to stop butchering this series, magic doesn't work this way. Aggravates me so much!

At&t really needs to dump this 2gb data cap :(

@soulsiphon, Malakite Vassal of War: Development has to do with validity because its quality. It takes much longer to create a quality rock song than it does a "good" rap song. The artists I listen to Led Zeppelin, The Beatles and so on will be remembered for MANY years to come. None of these rap artists will.

Doesn't Google Voice on the iPhone still use your minutes?

@soulsiphon, Malakite Vassal of War: Congrats you can read the dictionary. Creating rap songs, which are generally about complete garbage, take no where NEAR as long as actual musicians to tie in multiple instruments with ACTUAL singing. Not just talking. The only talent I give rapers are ones that can free style aka

Great, so now video games will be blamed for this horrific murder.

@Matt0505: Childish? No sorry I enjoy listening to talent, not talking to a beat.

Can't wait for this game to fail like the other one did. Can't make a music game off rap, mainly because rap isn't music.

@TactakillChewy: It sucks, because I feel like I'm holding back from using my phone because of these stupid data caps.

@mutelight: I recently ported over from Verizon, I got screwed over on a phone replacement. They didn't give me the protection plan, this being the second time they did that to me despite me asking for it, I said screw you I'm gone then. So I'm stuck using the cap :(

@mutelight: I'm concerned due to my lovely data cap that AT&T has forced me onto.

This game looks so good!

Please do a test as to how much data it uses on the iPhone, I'd imagine its much less than the iPad due to the smaller screen.

@jonathan comments sometimes: Oh don't get me wrong I loved my Droid. But I needed a better fit plan, that At&t fit, Verizon didn't. Plus I get a discount through my company. However the 2.2 update made my phone perform slower, and had more bugs. I miss Android, but I don't hate the iPhone as much as I had before.

I just recently switched to At&t and got the iPhone 4. I was on Verizon with the original Droid. I found it very hard to say "oh I'm going to buy this Droid phone" because I knew that by the end of the week there would be a new and better Android phone. I love the OS but they need to slow the F down.