
As a Bills fan, I’m happy about this. It’s nice when we can ramp up the embarrassment before the season starts, so that when they start actually playing, it’s not such a jarring feeling.

Submitting any sort of tip to Jezebel is a sure way to get it cut off.

I think the most reasonable response is to submit the comment to Jezebel as a news tip and see how things play out.

People should be skeptical of what journalists claim, and journalists should always provide as much proof of their claims as they can provide without fucking anyone over.

No. It speaks to a shift in journo ethics, or journalism at all. That change is reflected by the public at large. “Journalist” are largely untrustworthy in this day and age. As a result, the public demands more. The cynicism isn’t without merit. When access to media was stricter, for the people publishing, the shitty

Or maybe our cynical attitude is there for a reason? And that is a terrible reflection on the ethics in journalism as a whole?

When I say it out loud, it sounds lame, but we ran a massive adult kickball league down here in Baltimore. Still thriving, like 4,000 people playing per season.

So what’s Whoopi Goldberg’s excuse? Even Raven-Simone has backed off a bit, but Whoopi’s still out there, defending Bill. Camille at least has a financial motive, but what’s Whoopi’s motive? Is she just that stupid?

Same. The structure of that opening was painful.

I originally read this as she survived but also killed her husband. O.o

It’s one thing to defend a loved one but it’s another thing to defend a loved one after 40 women accused them of being a rapist and then you turn around and say they’re lying and that what happened was consensual. There’s no doubt in my mind that I would stop supporting a loved one if that many people accused them of

This didn’t hit me like I think you wanted it to hit people. If my mother turned out to be a rapist tomorrow (let alone a serial rapist) I’m right there with everyone else saying she needs to be locked the hell up. Now, maybe I’m sending money to her commissary, it doesn’t mean I don’t love her. It means I won’t make

Agreed. We all fervently hope that we’d have the courage and strength to recognise the truth about someone we love, but I can’t imagine that many of us would succeed.

BTK, dude.

I’m kind of against making villains out of the family members of bad people just because they defend their loved ones. Very few people would be able to turn their feelings off like a light switch and suddenly turn on their mother/son/husband or whatever else. You really don't have to be a bad person to be vulnerable

I don’t. We don’t like to acknowledge that evil isn’t obviously evil 100% of the time because it doesn’t fit with the black and white way our brains are designed to view the world, but that doesn’t make it less true. It is entirely possible—and even likely—that he never did any of that stuff at home, purely exercising

Unfortunately, this is ordinary. Come hell or high water, she will not admit he’s a rapist. The rest of the world is cruel and evil. And yes, she will throw those dozens of women under the bus in order to preserve what she sees as hers. If by chance, long from now, a crack opens and she admits that maybe it was true,

Trying to save face makes you say really stupid things, Camille.

Sadly, not even modders can fix just how bad Skyrim’s combat is. Throw a few band aids on it? Sure, but that’s like putting a bandage on a severed arm.