
Dedric was asked about a potential Final Four showdown with Michigan and their star guard Zavier Simpson. “I think he’s a good man. I like him. I got nothing against him, but I’m definitely gonna make orphans of his children.”

Yay, more Jayhawk coverage please and thank you. Keep up the good CBB work Lauren. 

Yeah, like how GTA Online “balanced out” by becoming a playground for rich trolls with flying bikes and orbital weapon strikes.

I get that creating a top-tier AAA game costs an absurd amount of money and it needs to come from somewhere, but... whenever I read about all the ways a player is pushed to buy stuff with real money in a game like RDO it just makes me feel tired.

Seriously, if you can’t include Chick-Fil-A, Hardees, and Jack in the Box, and sonic, what the hell are you doing. 

Starbucks? Really? Might as well put the “PAID ARTICLE” disclaimer right at the top, ‘cause that’s some quality shilling right there.

did you seriously do a grade of breakfast sandwiches without bringing up the god-king of breakfast sandwiches? I give you the Chicken Egg Cheese Bagel from Chick-Fil-A:

I tried that steak bagel out of morbid curiosity once...never again.

McDonald’s Bacon Egg ‘n’ Cheese Biscuit

with out chick-fil-a this list is just wrong.

Dunkin’s Maple Sugar Bacon Breakfast Sandwich

Also, to be clear, whether their little master plan was to actually try and mire Mueller, or to troll/hoax the media into falling for their bullshit, or to catch feminists in a “gotcha” (you won’t believe THESE women?), or some other insane endgame that only existed in their heads, or an incoherent mixture of all of

Christ dude, that is not how you respond to constructive criticism. You’re a professional for god’s sake. Act like it. That type of behavior is extremely childish.

Wow. This was a completely unwarranted reply. 

Very much so, and I’m enjoying it. Looking forward to seeing what Fukunaga does with the next Bond movie. I still can’t believe he got that job.

I think the difference between Netflix and Live-TV is that Live-TV is more concerned with the bottom line and will usually have some executive often telling the showrunners to cut the shit because it’s in everyone’s best interest that a given series actually hooks in the viewers.

We’re used to hearing the “executive

Why not just write an analysis of Netflix comedies? I read this and I have no idea what the show being reviewed is about. And while I agree that Netflix shows have similar issues to one another, I gotta say, between the references to tv drama run times and the traditionally dichotomous comedy and drama genres, the

Yeah, feels like with a show like this that’s pretty oblique and twisty towards what it’s actually going for a series review would be much preferred.

A person that can’t follow rules is a security risk.

The problem here is it was all very public.