Chitterling Lover

I absolutely loved Gamer when it came out. Great depiction of the seedy online culture’s thirst for hyper-sex and violence. They hit all the right notes then, even having Ken Castle being a great fill-in for Mark Zuckerberg and the constantly encroaching power of social networks.

Exactly. I thought it was kinda gangsta of Feinstein myself. She wont have countless memes like Pelosi gets, but she was stating some hard truths. Obviously she is cognizant of the issue to have her own plan drawn up, since California has much to lose with Climate Change. She was keeping it real and on most days that’s

What kinda peasant doesn’t eat salad with comb in proper society? This all smacks of etiquette shaming.

Good ol’ Andre Thornton. That name some triggered memories. Baseball on Channel 43, lol. The Three Ricks; Wise, Manning and Sutcliffe playing during that era, Len Barker’s perfect game against the Blue Jays.

I know right. Don’t people pay attention to the fact that your namesake can basically be who he is, saying and doing the shit he does, and still be guaranteed 40% of the vote. The same folks that absolutely hate Obamacare, but then love ACA because it branded differently on the state level. The same folks who will

Yeah, this is the biggest part of 90's political revisionism that really bothers me. The streets were out of control, and I clearly recall Clinton campaigning on putting 100k more cops on the streets. Along with creating urban Empowerment Zones which I think urban voters really took to at the time because the

I’m old too. Remember the Free Cheese lines in the early 80's, or when some factory would announce they were hiring 10 people, and 300o applicants show up? Then crack appeared, and things really got fun.

This is all about the ad revenue. The NFL is the biggest draw there is in this country, and its absence from any of the major broadcasters definitely effects their bottom lines significantly. With the NFL Network and streaming, the league probably has a even more leverage in this case than in prior decades. The

All I know is I cant wait for this to be on Law & Order:SVU. Maybe Jussie Smollet can play himself. 

Agree. I am fine with having empathy for people who reports crimes, but in the end we all have to do our due diligence to find out the truth. The Outrage Olympics typically get well out ahead of the actual collection of facts though.

“If it’s a lie, we fight on that lie. But we gotta fight.”

Just to clarify,. Liam Neeson was not roaming black neighborhoods. It’s amazing how that story took on many variations and lost the point entirely, which is that vigilantism isn’t good for the soul.

And why is there fighting in hockey, again?

Nuance? What’s that?

They poot?

Yeah, for being the richest guy in the world, he sure does go about his love life like......the rest of us. Dick pics, bad judgment and all.

So are series best of 9 games now? 

Precisely between his test of arms against Lancelot, and having his face splashed with acid.

Bravo. +10 Snark points for posting a gif.

Bravo. +10 Snark points for posting a gif.