
The dad even seemed a little weirded that Bash was watching The Proud Family, but really, I can think of no better cartoon to raise a child

Things I never thought I would say: Chet Hanks was an inspired bit of casting.

Not that this is the intention...but maybe the whole idea of being in foreign territory for our main 4some is why we are getting anthology episodes.
The sense of alienation with these side stories where we, the audience, are now outside our comfort zone, are doing our best to find theAtlanta” vibe we can recognize

I dunno, I disagree that this fell flat. It revisited a lot of themes that have popped up in the show before (the desire for minority culture as long as you have the ability to contain it or escape from it at will being the big one) and I thought pulled them off pretty well from the jump. Miles can listen to his

I agree with all of this, but it’s falling on deaf ears here.

If Hillary had done something like issuing an executive order to take away all the guns in her first week in office, yeah. He’d probably be getting asked about it.

He stuck the hat in his locker because his buddy sent it to him and he thought it was funny.

I’m not so sure that’s true. Trump’s support among Republicans is still very high.

At the time it happened, it was pretty harmless. If he hadn’t admitted to being a friend of Trump (and if Trump hadn’t used his name to claim support), it would have blown over.

Yet you demand Brady “spew” his because you want to criticize him.

Tom Brady doesn’t owe anyone an explanation. You’re a big boy too!

Every county in Massachusetts went for Clinton. Every New England state went to Clinton (except one electoral vote in Maine because of archaic voting laws).