No, it's Kyle Drogo...but I get that a lot

Not everyone agrees, not even close.

Yeah that’s how I felt about Enron

So here’s the thing - the people who test them are government agents who have no skin in the game. If they get caught, they will not be charged with any crime, put on trial, or serve any time in jail. Most of all, they have no mission to complete that will be disrupted by getting caught.

They should. Long lines give security personnel extended periods to observe behavior. It makes sneaking weapons a very high-risk proposal.


Think of it as a collateralized debt obligation - investment banks package a loan, then sell the repayments to investors. The people who loaned the money get immediate repayment, while investors are promised payments above the risk-free rate (CD’s, govt bonds) for the life of the loan.

You start addicted to cable/internet, and then wind up addicted to blowies

Good. Can we put to rest the notion that the private sector is better at everything than the Government?

“But no, we can’t do that. It’s against the rules, don’t you see?” Said the man to the committee that makes the rules, in a vain attempt to stop the future from happening.

Amen, brother! Red just makes it better.

As of right now, today, it’s human drivers that cause major accidents on the highway, get stranded in floods and snowstorms.

Impairments aside, a lot of younger folks are putting off getting a drivers license because the tests are harder to pass.

I’m definitely thinking more like this

I think this guy would approve