
It would have been a shock if he was a force against teams as strong as Canada and Russia. But during the group stage, playing against non-NHL but still professional-level gown-ass-man talent, he was occasionally dominant and often noticeable. Pretty fucking good for an 18 year old. I’ll admit I didn’t see much of the

They fuck by combining hair, so just let it grow - duh.

+1 Coriolis effect

I think you’ll see it more, similar to hockey for players who went pro rather than play junior like Matthews or even Kakko. It’s still been few and far between and more likely to happen for domestic players in their own country’s pro league, but more will catch on.

Hard to stop them when you’re confined to a wheelchair. 

The single biggest violation in this whole ordeal is the person shooting video in portrait mode.

The amount of horrible shit that goes on in this world has already proven beyond a doubt that god is a dick.

Alabama and the South in general, this is why so much of America mocks you. America, this is why Canada and the rest of the democratic world mocks you.

Living no where near Pittsburgh, I do not get to see Pirates highlights reliably which is a shame, based on these monster dongs. While happy that you have finally introduced these mighty dongs into my life, I’m upset that Deadspin has taken this long to shove these dongs into my eyeballs.


It’s as if pitchers occasionally make mistakes. My god...

*Indigenous. Aboriginal is no longer a preferred term.

I will Cherith this comment forever, as I will Mr. Thrower’s moniker.

Death metal generally isn’t about Vikings. More likely to be power metal

Has Game of Thrones gotten lazy with all of its terrible military strategy?

I can’t understand how the door was not open for him to go in? Why was he stuck standing there for so long? That’s on the fucking bench. Open the damn door, especially when your team is going to be in the offensive zone to get off.

NHL franchises tend to generate interest for kids in playing hockey, and eventually those youth programs get good, so I don’t think it’s super uncommon.

Why be nice to them? They made the terrible decision to live in Boston.

I was at an MLS match sitting in the family section. I stood up to cheer...