
Where is your article covering the video of the black Hillary supporters openly assaulting/almost killing the white man who voted for Trump? Oh wait, you guys live in la-la land and won’t cover that. Typical. If it was a bunch of white Trump supporters beating up a black guy I’m SURE it’d be on here. Disgusting libs.

i love how my replies supporting trump aren’t even getting approved here where people who literally are attempting to start a civil war are talking away. LOL SORE LOSERS YOU LOST GET OVER IT

this is such a good, thought provoking thread. Such intellect. Such IQ. WoW. In other news, you better get used to the republican controlled HOUSE, SENATE, AND PRESIDENCY BABY!

time to get used to the republican controlled HOUSE, SENATE, AND PRESIDENCY!!!

time to get used to a republican senate, house, presidency, and supreme court!

lolol trump’s gonna get his ass kicked huh??? REALLY??? sure you don’t mean clinton??


To even have the nerve to mention privilege without bringing up Hillary Clinton’s name is beyond appalling. She (along with Bill) has demonstrated time and time again that there are 2 different sets of laws in this country. One for the common folk, and another for the rich white politicians. The fact that Clinton

I’m sick and tired of going on Jalopnik to catch up on my weekly car news just to see “recommended” articles on the side that you guys push on people that are bashing Trump.

The typical liberal response. Name calling. I apologize for upsetting you so much with facts, but that’s just how it is. Take care now.

Ahh, the typical liberal response. Name calling when you know you’re wrong. I apologize for upsetting you so much with facts, I do wish we could have an appropriate debate on the topic, but alas, it seems I already won. Take care now!

“whose party has a long history of voter suppression”?

I wish people included Demon’s Souls in with the Dark Souls trilogy :( It is by far the greatest Souls game around, yet people don’t really ever include it because it came out before Souls games were mainstream... I had sooooooo much fun back in 2010 or so when that game came out. It was unlike anything that ever came