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What the heck does this have to do with white people? This is the actions of one white woman. The most well known black person in the history of humanity sang a song about his companion rodent, want to hear it here it go

Wow...what a contrived story of ‘victimization’!! Dude, this woman could NOT read your mind, so therefore she did not know that YOU WEREN’T walking into danger...so you should leave it at that, that a kind human being attempted to help your ungrateful butt. I suggest that had this had been a black woman then you

The author is missing the point and reading so much more into what Mayim was saying. Balik was addressing the culture in HOLLYWOOD, which is the origin of the current discussion about men abusing their power. Young women trying to break into acting tend to be the perfect 10's because they know that is what Hollywood

“annoyingly unrealistic moral absolutists”. Just one example from your post in which you’ve decided to bully and insult the people you disagree with. See, you are a prime example of the extremist mindset in which YOU BELIEVE you have right to define and insult other people you disagree with, and you do so because