
Bird took the Pacers to 2 conference finals (one was against the last year of Jordan's Bulls) and one NBA Finals in his only 3 years as coach. He's also one of the better executives in the league, which these days is just as important as a coach IMO.

Wasn't he sleeping with Mickie, while calling her his surrogate daughter or something along those lines? The entire situation was just completely fucked.

Bentley suffered the enormous gash on his head at Tuesday night's IWA Mid-South March Massacre show.

I mean, one of the most well known athletes in America has the same tattoo and we are on a sports blog.

Please tell me you're being facetious.

Just because your life went one way doesn't invalidate the incredible amount of data and research that drives the competitive culture of higher education.

I have a very blue sense of humor, but wow...Penner is a fucking idiot.

Not quoting the original source you get a story from is pretty shitty journalism.

Ah, the "Chris Benoit" treatment.

Not even his top 3 albums, TBH.

You're operating on the premise that the All-Star Game selections are purely performance-based, which would be true in a perfect world. We live in a world where money rules all, and sponsors pay more to have big names at the events they sponsor.

Normally no, but he viewed Lee as a sister. I personally think that Lee wrote Catcher, with Capote as an editor, but some think otherwise.

Based on pure play so far? Lillard all the way. But KD is a much bigger name, and leaving him off would face much greater fan backlash than Lillard. This isn't an All-NBA discussion, its about a fan-based exhibition game. Also, using team play for determining All-Stars is ridiculous, especially in the West this year.

Salinger has a much deeper body of work and wasn't a childhood friend of Truman Capote.

More goes into All-Star selections than one season's performance, especially when two superstars haven't been healthy the entire year but still have great output.

I wouldn't consider it belittling and sexist, look at how much scholarship has gone into the various theories surrounding Shakespeare and who authored his various works. Some people just think that its funny that one of the greatest works of our time was written by someone who never released anything full length ever

There was a part where the left shark completely forgot the choreography, and started doing his own thing. You had one job, sharkman.

Cena went 60+ a few weeks after WM 23 with Shawn Michaels and only knew they had that much time a few hours before the show due to Orton getting booted out of Europe because he was covering up for Eugene.

The only people saying that a deflated ball is a legitimate advantage are players who have gripes with the Patriots already. If it was such an advantage, then how come the only person who noticed the issue was the Colts Equipment Manager, who was only given the ball because the CB who made the interception wanted the