
Shes 19... hes 34.. that seems like a good idea right?

i loved her and her album so much.. My understanding from a former security guard of hers .. was that she was brilliant.. but very troubled..i hope she is ok

i actually knew this guy and this story..I tested the product..It wasn’t a thing for me but many people liked it.. The monk on the other hand.. was not a nice man.. businessman or otherwise..He screwed over a good friend of mine and used him for a lot of unpaid hard work...then later came out with tons of lies about

lol i think the study should be about probiotic laden foods claims.. you would have to actually consume a shit ton oi yogurt to make things better..BUT.. taking good pill form probiotics is a lot more effective..

kinda not sure why this is the embedded video.. but.. anyway.. from what i can glean.. freelee started w the 51 banana thing.. crazy i know.. and i think she blends a lot of them w pure sugar and dates.. then she also eats whole melons at a sitting.. im team please stop this stuff Freelee.. she is for sure a bully..

RIGHT/// With a trans woman in it! i binged that show real good! underrated!