7-11's Hostage

I think you have a point, but as an ICU nurse I have seen similar problems sadly a few times in my career. I remember a young, high school, good family well educated athletic girl (volunteered as a Candy striper, A student, very dedicated—seemed like an all around normal kid) came into the ER, with stomach pains and

It’s just so hard to tell, you know? It’s completely possible she’s a sociopath who had absolutely no problem doing what she did—-that kind of person certainly exists. Just another example of why Safe Haven laws aren’t going to be the “well, passed that law and now we’re done thinking about this unpleasantness!”

It’s gross and horrible, yes, but not incomprehensible at all. It’s not this woman answering for what she did that is sticking in the craw, it’s why our society won’t connect any dots when it comes to unplanned pregnancies. What good do Safe Haven laws do if nothing else about the panic and terror of a pregnancy that

Hmm, personally I don’t hold her blameless so much as I just care more about the overall conditions that make situations like this so common— what she, as an individual, has done is of course upsetting, but I don’t think this would keep happening in a different societal context, so I find that more upsetting.

I would’ve hoped that the shame she would feel by facing someone with her newborn she wanted to give up would’ve been very, very small in comparison to the feeling of knowing she is doing right by this child and by herself. This shatters my heart to know that she felt so helpless and alone and shamed that this was her

Is it India that has those types of places? Like a drawer on the outside of the hospital in a secluded space? And who knows if there was an education of a safe space? All I know is an aborted fetus is like a million times better than dead infant.

This is why stigmatizing abortion and reducing access needs to stop.

This is what happens when you teach women that there is only one way to be a good mother. This is what happens when you teach women that perfection is the primary goal, that mistakes are the enemy, that outward perception is sacrosanct. This is what happens when you value a woman’s relationships over her mental health

It’s different for everyone. If anyone ever tells you someone sexually assaulted them, there are three things you can say:

I don’t.

But this isnt proof to them. They want hard evidence. Seejng these women arent going to change any of those people’s minds.

This made me burst into tears. Seeing them all in one space...

It does take a lot of guts. But then the trolls will say “they’re doing it for money/attention, and this is proof!” Sigh. As a survivor of sexual abuse/rape myself, it amazes me the kinds of mental gymnastics people will go through to discredit victims.

Well said. Reminds of days before click bait when media was run by humans. A human designed this cover (as opposed to coming AI editorial)

A serious question: how do you trust again after this happens to you?

It’s amazing how many trolls online will say, “where’s the proof that this happened?” Here is your proof. No more anonymity, all guts. I applaud them.

My parents got in a hiking accident a few months into dating (they were 16). Mom got a huge gash on her leg and needed 30+ stitches. My mom had to be airlifted out (they refused to airlift my dad). Somehow they kept dating and now it’s 40 years later. I think it would make an awesome movie.

Here’s them on the second date.

Who goes out on a first date in a big forest alone? That screams “YOU WILL BE MURDERED” to me.