7-11's Hostage

It’s humbling, what children can survive. They make adults look like wimps. With how she was raised, it’s a good thing that a heavy hand with make-up is the most remarkable thing. (Thank you for responding. I was really wondering how she might have turned out.)

One of them (or any of them) has a project to promote in the near future. That’s all i got from this. After two years of this inhumane bullshit, that’s all it’s shown me; A bunch of people talking a bunch of empty, stupid, rehshed, trite shit while I’m abused and violated in all sorts of creative, unspeakable ways.

That’s fucking heart-breaking. That poor girl. I hope she survived it with her spirit intact. Do you still know her?

Is this true? Middle school, so around 12 years old? Are you kidding?

Females, yes. Not women, though. “Women” is a myth.

“The guy who invented them was pretty awful too, if I remember correctly.” There’s not a woman who would doubt that.

Wire Hangers ‘R’ Us

“[T]hat they’re too stupid to understand adoption?” Seriously. People who’ve been adopted are part of a secret society, I guess. Because no child ever saw Annie.

If I’ve got it right, it’s a forced altruism. The first step is walking through PP’s doors, then your on your way to baby-killing-bootstraps fortune and infamy.

“Man, I’m in the wrong industry!” Silly, silly woman! *You* are the industry. It’s OK that you didn’t grasp that because Mr Marco is here to explain it to you.

Anchor: What do you say to the people who have medical issues that that fetal human tissue has helped provide medical research, and has helped these people live better lives? What do you say to those people?

You misunderstood: I don’t believe they actually have a foot in the enlightened world, only that this is what the apology, such as it is - the aside to their “mothers and sister” specifically - was meant to convey.

That is nothing you have to sweat, I assure you. You can definitely hold your own. and thank you for accepting!

Precisely. Also this: “and recently she’s realized I don’t enjoy her company” — wait, what? She “realized”? Because you couldn’t simply tell her yourself? I guess he’s the strong, silent, long-suffering type.

“[B]ut there are women who slept with them and were discussed on the podcast and blog and that must be crappy for them.” Yes, I’m sure it is. My full heart goes out to them.

Oh my god! All the YES to this! Whereas corporations like McDonald’s and Coke and the NFL and Dove and... well.

Exactly. This “logic” confounds: women are shit, subhuman. If you can fuck as many of them as possible, aren’t you just a person who collects and consumes as much shit as possible? OK, then. Bye.

My sister did it, her issues with men notwithstanding. It *is* possible, so long as you have self-respect. It’s the kind of thing that takes when raising a child, I believe. Unless they’re born sociopaths (which is rare) or outside influences don’t greatly interfere.

“What in the world is so freaking magical about sex/vaginas that these kinds of guys are willing to spend so much time and energy on what they consider nearly sub-human companions?” Self-loathing, I’d guess. That kind of sex is a form of humiliating the woman, which, in turns, reinforces and deepens their own

So many apologies. Yet nothing changes. Makes you wonder about all of those stategicaally-worded apologies.