guacguacguacguac rockin everywhere

Can we add LGBTQ+ allies?

As an ally, let’s let the LGBTQ+ people have their capes on this one. Allies don’t always need awards.

Maybe it’s not always about the allies?

He gave a beautiful, nuanced performance and fuck it, so did Thandie Newton - WHOSE NAME THEY MISSPELLED WHEN THEY SHOWED HER IN HER CATEGORY.

He needs to win every award for everything he does. He is a national treasure.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again - Jeffrey Wright was robbed.

Their reasons for voting for Jill Stein (or any third party candidate) don’t matter, imo. This was a time for everyone to suck it up and do the right thing, and they didn’t, no matter what their reasoning.

For Ivanka, the documentary made Charlottesville hit home in a way that other White House controversies had not. “Seeing those images and hearing [Ivanka’s] name invoked later on obviously made it very personal,”

the faceless, nameless, civil servants who are quietly doing their damnedest to hold this government thing together while their bosses are trying everything in their power to fuck it up. i respect them.

My favorite is still I wouldn’t want me on this jury.

So, a general 6am in 2017?

“Dude, I shkrellied so much last night that I, like, burned off a bunch of layers of skin in my throat. This morning for breakfast I drank a big glass of lemonade before I could think about it, and I almost passed out from the pain.”

Vomiting but when you’ve vomited up all that’s left so your in heaving pain and all that’s coming up is some bile and mucus and you wanna die. And you know your body will just do it again in twenty minutes.

I can’t believe that my roommate who I met because of Jezebel is on Jezebel.

I can not believe that my cross stitch is on here.

As awesome as disrespecting the whole tang clan is, my favorite is:

and more about the lingering feelings around Clinton, her policies, and the Democratic party.

Reasons not to shut about 2o16 election:

It’s interesting to speculate how such a book by Clinton would have been received 5 or 10 years from now. I think history will be much kinder to her than this dreadful present moment.

i’ve been drunk enough to voluntarily eat Arbys, but never drunk enough to become racist.