K. D. Bryan

Hey, it was all going perfectly fine up until somebody actually won and all the flashing lights and noises spooked the cow, making it run into oncoming traffic with all hands still on the saddles.

Hey, it was all going perfectly fine up until somebody actually won and all the flashing lights and noises spooked the cow, making it run into oncoming traffic with all hands still on the saddles.

I'm still worried that the lack of Dan Harmon will result in far too many CHANGes and that they may DEANlineate and DEANlute the series into some cookie cutter sitcom.

I'm still worried that the lack of Dan Harmon will result in far too many CHANGes and that they may DEANlineate and DEANlute the series into some cookie cutter sitcom.

I bet the one guy out there who's been masturbating to Famke Janssen's murder scenes in Goldeneye read this review and groaned out "FINALLY!" before running off to buy 17 tickets. Y'know, assuming a muscular lady prostitute hasn't already crushed his trachea by accident, that is.

I think that's the first time I've ever seen the respectful Slow Fap.

I remember the 80's Twilight Zone version of "After Hours" and how they just straight-up played it as a pure horror story with the woman trying to flee but her limbs slowly turning into plastic as she first runs, then eventually crawls away. Her final expression of terror being stuck on her face but interpreted as


The change into She-Hulk was briefly permanent in the comics back in the day but, as a general rule, She-Hulk retains the ability to change between her normal Jennifer Walters self - comparatively mousy and socially inhibited but still intelligent and determined - and the Amazonian unleashed Id of her She-Hulk form

Wow. I never would have pictured that but when you say it, it makes perfect sense.

After seeing you guys give "2 Broke Girls" B/C ratings and "A"s to episodes of "Family Guy" & "American Dad", I was beginning to wonder just how shitty a sitcom had to be to get a flat-out F on here.

I really enjoyed seeing this the first time it played. Creative and fun.

You know, it's a very rare thing to read a review of something that I like just as much as the thing itself but this? This hits the mark. You've really captured why this particular episode and this show mean so much to us, the fans. Thank you for writing this.