Sandals are not acceptable footwear for men under any circumstances. And don’t come back with “Well Jesus wore them!” because you sure as shit aren’t raising anyone from the dead.
Sandals are not acceptable footwear for men under any circumstances. And don’t come back with “Well Jesus wore them!” because you sure as shit aren’t raising anyone from the dead.
IF THE MOON WERE MADE OF RIBS WOULD YOU EAT IT!? It’s a simple question, Norm! Just say yes, and we’ll move on!
Skiers are by far the more distracting to those on the slopes around them.
You’re drawing a false equivalence. Nobody is claiming to be offended by the Betsy Ross flag. All Kaepernick was saying was, this flag means something a lot different to me and others that share my heritage than it does to you. Something the shoe designers at Nike likely didn’t consider before they created the shoe.
The rightful end isn’t necessarily one where every infraction, no matter how minor, gets spotted on replay and called regardless of whether it impacted the outcome on the field.
You hate to see it.
You’re really going to stick up for the British press basically trying to police the behavior of the American players?
No, these people are all super-racist simpletons. I know this because Bret Stephens told me. Their jobs and health care and economic security don’t matter to them if they might hear someone speak Spanish on TV.
In a country where 55% or so of adults vote in a given presidential election, it is truly the height of stupidity for anyone to think that a pandering appeal to an already extremely well-served center-right “average voter” is a better strategy than maybe trying something new that could appeal to the nearly 1/2 of the…
Nothing is quite so infuriating as an elite conservative shitbag lecturing the country on how the “ordinary voter” just happens to possess all the same shitty biases and garbage opinions that they do.
Yeah but did you know Deadspin employees made some sexist remarks a decade ago that they have since repudiated and apologized for publicly??
Jose Flanders, followed by very close second Lord Thistlewick Flanders.
You dressed up as Peter Criss?? Nobody wants to be Peter Criss. Not even Peter Criss wants to be Peter Criss!
But you aren’t fine with a half-measure that doesn’t completely protect every fan? Why not? Why are the only acceptable steps the extremes of “do nothing” or “nets covering every seat a baseball could realistically hit?”
cow drag is Brad.
Get in arguments with students on the dorm floor and in the quad about how free speech should be abolished — his reasoning being that not everyone had valid opinions to be shared.
Disagree, there is way less guilt in asphyxiating someone else’s kid unconscious.
I mean it’s not the “Koch brothers pay The Atlantic to pretend a handful of overeager college liberals are the epidemic that will kill free speech and end America,” thing that is totally on the journalistic up-and-up, but sure yeah, I’ll buy that this is sub-optimal.
The only real use for the depressingly libertarian states is I can come home from one of them with enough high explosive to level my entire neighborhood.
Jake Magnum is a good friend of mine. He said he coulda banged Scarlet Johansson, and I don't know, do we believe him folks?