Screw the SEC one for a 20 million dollar fine ..go work for your money bunch of crooks.. this government is out of control..
Screw the SEC one for a 20 million dollar fine ..go work for your money bunch of crooks.. this government is out of control..
Ad has anyone noticed these articles take away your freedom of speech..had to be approved?! Get out of here communist
Who cares about China .. to hell with them I mean christ on a cross..let's be about this country.
Who cares about China .. to hell with them I mean christ on a cross..let's be about this country.
Ppl make me so sick..bunch of crying ass ppl..who have no life nothing going for them in life. So they cry about things like this..shut up you dont speak for me or a lot of ppl..cry on your own damn time !
Im sure she’ll say the cop hit on her or touched her inappropriately we know how these women are nowadays lies lies more lies act like a drunken ho and lie about it blame it on the guy!