
Did not know Ted L. Nancy was working for the Department of Commerce.

Just another Cuban player too focused on havana good time instead of winning games.

This seems like a perfect segue into a story about the lack of minorities working in NFL front offices.


St. Louis




if you wanna be a big-time city, I think you gotta hold on to these teams, and once they leave, they aren’t coming back.”

U.S. Soccer is a bunch of hypocrites considering Tim Howard has been blurting out inappropriate things his entire career.

If this is the kind of comment we’re inheriting from the orphaned Gawker crowd, I’m gonna hate you people.

In true soccer fashion, the pigeon jumped back to his feet as soon as the referee stopped play.

She did indeed make history:

The year Prince famously switched to a vegetarian diet, he had a bit of a slow start and had no homeruns through the third week of April. The Brewers were in town and my friends and I got free day game tickets from some bored business men who took pity on us as we attempted to by nosebleeds. We ended up right behind

Bingo! There’s a big head cheat too

Well researched. Well written. If your out of the job next week you should send this to Algaezeera. They’d love it.

Every man with a man-bun haircut should be stiff armed.

I beg you to consider the negative impact ridding the world of epee: without epee, Will Shortz will never be able to complete another puzzle.

If Puig keeps up this pace it shouldn’t be long before we see him in AA.

Counterpoint: Deadspin doesn’t have too much soccer, but Deadspin soccer posts could each be approximately 80% shorter. Someone get Billy an editor.