
I don't have kids but I really like your comment. I hope to have kids in the future and I think I will think like you when that happens. Thank you for expressing your opinion and give voice to the mothers that think like you. I think you are a good and healthy role model.

You should try reading the rest of it.

I would agree... but (you saw that one coming, eh? :))

When any male person exercises his body autonomy by putting his penis into the vagina of any female person, then that automatically grants her the autonomy to not get pregnant because of it. We cool?

Not a picture of Oscar. This is his brother Carl. Go home Doug. Your obviously still drunk.

I will never have an ounce of respect for Jenny McCarthy until she acknowledges all the incredible damage and suffering she's caused people by claiming that immunizations cause autism. Considering that the number of children who've died from preventable diseases, simply because of parents who don't want to vaccinate

That cat is in a kitchen dish where food is made. That Cat Is On The Kitchen Counter. THAT CAT IS WHERE PEOPLE EAT. Am I the only person that finds that disgusting? YOU USE THAT BOWL TO MAKE THINGS THAT GO IN YOUR MOUTH.

That is a fantastic question! I am going to use it for my job interviews. Wow.

Giant cruise ships are a great way to Visit A Bunch Of Places. We've been on 3 cruises to 3 distinct parts of the world and have mostly enjoyed them. Having said that, giant cruise ships freak me out. Nothing that big should float and I don't give a crap what my high school physics teacher said. Speaking of crap,

Just because you're single doesn't mean you go out partying every night. Lots of people only have one or two nights a week to "go out".

When the phrase "cock block" is being used, I don't think together time with the girls is really the priority of the night.

When was the last time you were single? Lack of a piece of paper doesn't mean constant availability, ya know.

18 months old is too young for a sitter? Most working moms leave their babies with sitters weeks after giving birth to them, since they have to go to work to support their families. I have an 18 month old right now and while I am a stay-at-home mom, my daughter has stayed with family overnight a few times.

Yeah... no. You don't bring babies to bars, full stop. Especially not when your friends are all out to dance, flirt with guys, and get drunk. That's just bad parenting, and I don't understand why you'd want to subject your child to that.

Now I get it! My darling husband loves to "unexpected hug from behind" me, especially when I'm in the middle of doing something. Particularly cooking which involves KNIVES and FIRE. Terrible timing. I typically snub him when he does this but, for a reason I have never understood until now, he continues to think it's a

*clap* *clap*If/when we get a nanny (again), I sure as hell may send her instead of me for some of the minor events. I also will send my nanny to drive my kid to some of his weekly therapy sessions and maybe I can actually swing getting my kids into a team sport (unavailable up to now because practice is often two or

That makes no sense. An NFL game is a one-time game. A video game/movie/music CD is a PRODUCT you BUY and OWN.

Yes to all of what you said.

A lot of schools also have eleventy million volunteer events that parents (basically the mothers, really) are expected to attend...if you've got a job, what do you do? Get fired so you can sit at a table and sell cookies?

People who put their own bodies before those of our children should get paid more than $35,000/yr.