Kyle Critchnau

I can see how you would get that from my comment, but that’s not what I meant. Sorry for not being more clear. What I meant was, once it came out that he had PCP in his system, the conversation changed from “he should have done what the officers said” to “he shouldn’t have had PCP in his system.” In other words, it

Well, at least there’s no risk of it deflating.

Since the LIDAR is part of a fully automated system, I wonder if it just has a parameter for signal degradation or something else measurable that would be caused by bird crap or some other substance, and if that parameter is outside of a certain range, it triggers the wipers.

I think we need a FancyPatrick tag on this one.

Tulsa area resident here. There was no way she was going to be convicted, here’s why:

I think FCA’s different treatment will have more to do with the new “leadership” at the EPA than anything else. I agree, it probably helps that it’s seen as an American company, but now that we have Scott “What Global Warming?” Pruitt in charge (the only good thing about which is he’s no longer in Oklahoma) I doubt

 with the postseason’s worst bench hanging from his neck

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Yes, both parties have their issues with where the money comes from and how those sources control their respective ideologies; however, the point I was trying to make is that the Republicans finally have their golden opportunity to do basically everything they’ve been salivating over for the past eight years, and


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Remember how, for years, Republicans have been itching to “run the government like a business?” Stuff like this is what happens when they finally get their way, and are able to privatize whatever they want to. With hefty campaign contributions coming their way, of course. This entire administration so far reminds me

The next few elections are going to be very interesting at the state level. We’re seeing teachers all over the state running for public office, and they’re winning (the state Senate district I live in was flipped from red to blue because a well-respected teacher ran and won in a landslide) but it’ll take more than

Not surprised at all, though it’s more than just a Republican thing. The Oklahoma legislature will do anything (ANYTHING) to keep from having to face the state budget crisis. They’ll pass any pandering bill they want to in order to keep their base satisfied, and to take up time so they can just rush the budget bill

Moderate Oklahoman (yes, we do exist) here. First off, no I’m not surprised at all. I’m honestly a little surprised anyone actually distanced themselves from it rather than saying “hey, that’s not a bad idea!”

I didn’t go a long distance to get this car, but I had to do quite a bit once it got back. I found this 1950 Ford sedan on Craigslist (oddly enough, in the ATV/snowmobile section) in Chickasha, OK (165 miles each way). Don’t have a pickup truck, so a buddy and I drove down, loaded it up, and brought it home. Took

but it also reveals that he doesn’t care about policy; he only cares about loyalty

Hot take alert: KD should have gone to the Wizards.

I feel like they’re wasting the world’s most punchable faces by not having a Penske-RCR tag team match.