Come to Oklahoma, you can have both!
Come to Oklahoma, you can have both!
It sounds like Satan’s weedeater.
Not surprised. Every single bill they’ve passed and Fallin has signed so far is a move designed to pander to the Republican base and distract voters from the terrible roads, even worse schools, and the fact that they’d rather shoot their own mothers before taxing an oil company to fix those first two problems. Even to…
True, but would have been nice to go for the whole enchilada.
I read your first point, and then imagined what would happen if Trump showed up courtside in OKC. He’d probably get the biggest cheer of the night.
Good sir, I will take one of your finest bingo cards.
If they’re going to all that trouble to swap out different pieces of the LX parts bin, why not put a six-speed manual in there as well?
I have a list, in no particular order:
I think the real news here is we finally know what the subject of a “What Car Should I Buy?” actually bought. Also, someone at Jalopnik finally owns a diesel manual wagon!
The problem is deeper than the fact that their starters are basically Russell Westbrook, Steven Adams, and a bunch of other guys. The real problem is touched on in the article, but really deserves its own: The Thunder Have NO BENCH. Zero. Bench. None. Nada. Zilch. I’d be hard-pressed to find a single game this season…
Needs more hashtags. was a very surreal moment. And yes, the FSOK crew can be very homerific, but it’s still better than Marv Albert.
That’s right, it was a subsequent stop. Thanks!
One thing you missed: the team member that stepped in to fill his spot was actually from a different team (might have even been Jones, or maybe McDowell, I don’t remember). They pointed it out on the broadcast since the replacement guy was wearing a different uniform.
I’d be surprised if more than two or three of these were bought by any given police department. You know, just enough to generate a news story about them “going green,” but not enough to require any officers to give up their Tahoe or Explorer.
Thought about going to this event, wish I would have.
If bullshit walks, then does Fox News run marathons?