Since Chevy won’t let you review the Bolt yourselves, can we get a meta-review?
Since Chevy won’t let you review the Bolt yourselves, can we get a meta-review?
Germans just following orders? Never heard that one before.
Got laid off a couple of weeks ago and checked out about 15 books from the library. Started out with Terms of Enlistment, then The Long Cosmos, almost done with The Moon is a Harsh Mistress, then not sure which one I’ll pick up after that.
Question, because I keep hearing only about closing old cards and not newer ones: If I pay off all of my credit card debt, will it help to close the newest card? I would think so because it would raise my average account age, but everything I seem to find deals with the effects of paying off the oldest card.
But seriously, they’re really fun to watch when they get any national exposure. Evans has an arm, and has consistently improved his accuracy over the past few years.
If you’re wondering how Tulsa got enough votes, see the methodology from #1 UCF last year, except for the “automated” part. I didn’t have time for that.
Is the HINDENCAR license plate number taken?
Good thing he found them, I didn’t know they were missing.
My wife and I were discussing this the other night during the synchronized diving the other night. What would happen if two divers did perfectly synchronized cannonballs? Are cannonballs even recognized as “dives?” Or would they get zeroes for style, even if they got 10's for synchronicity?
But will it have a roof-mounted (or even rearview mirror-mounted) camera to detect things above the car’s beltline?
Stripes should be blue.
So, since everyone else seems to be coming back for Senior Week, are we going to get Tyler?
Because they have to show that RUSSIANS ARE BAD so they can show that AMERICANS ARE GOOD!
Serious question: why does a player’s defensive position matter when discussing hitting statistics? i.e. saying he hit x home runs as a SS vs. y home runs at 3B.