Kyle Critchnau

Personally, I’d lump the Edge in there as well. I drove both back-to-back and thought the Edge drove much better, but then again I think that was before the facelift so that may have changed. YMMV.

That stinks that you’re selling it, I haven’t made much progress on mine but I did find a guy who’s willing to trade me a 302 for the straight six in it, so once I get that exchanged I’ll maybe get some momentum. Still dreading the floor replacement.

You know, I really wish the Super Bowl this year had been a complete shootout with Peyton throwing bullets all over the field and going out in a blaze of glory, because it would have finally shut up all the Giants fans who think Eli is the better brother. But no. Now, they get to claim that “well, at least Eli EARNED


I would have placed Pearls Before Swine higher, if for no other reason than I love me some puns, even if they’re dad-joke-level. I also feel like 50's and 60's Peanuts should be a different category.

TIL that Rick Bayless and Skip Bayless are brothers. And from Oklahoma.

Saw something in another article and it reminded me of this. Has anyone ever bought anything from Joseph A. Bank? I keep seeing their commercials and thinking their stuff has to be terrible to be so cheap.

Calvin and Hobbes: Good comic strip, or best comic strip?

I like the cut of your jib.

It works better, I think it’s because capsaicin is basically an oil, and dish soap is better designed to remove oils than hand soap is.

So, in order to distract owners and potential buyers from the crappiness of their lineup and legal woes, VW decides to release a sticker-and-badge “performance model.” Their conversion into late-90's GM is almost complete.

The deciding factor:

Good thing you didn’t Orlove it. Or Freiburger it.

Can’t be an Si. Exhaust pipe is too small and doesn’t stick out far enough.

First, it’d be waaaay too authentic for Florida Georgia Line. Second, that combination has already been done, by David Allan Coe:

Question: since the 3.0L issue is an issue with CARB, and not with the EPA, would it be possible for them to buy them back, apply the fix, and then sell them in non-CARB states?

No Duck Hunt, no deal.


under the ancient doctrine of Finders Keepers.