What the fuchsia is he wearing?
What the fuchsia is he wearing?
Which Luck are you talking about? Overgrown beard, or playing with cats? Overgrown beard, I agree, too realistic. The cats one, though. His face and sweater just sell it for me. I agree though, Arts and Crafts Tony Romo is still the best.
Needs more ME412.
Someone with better Photoshop-fu than I needs to make this into a Ralph Lauren-esque ad. The Look. The Desire. Giulia, by Alfa Romeo.
Doubly obligatory.
The reason the mainstream auto press isn’t picking up on it is because in the mainstream auto press, “picking up” means “rewording the manufacturer’s press release.” No press release = no article.
Thanks for the info, I’ve been toying with the idea of getting a Model S (or a Model 3 when they come out) once the Supercharger network is at least decent in the areas I’ll be going. I think a big part of the amount of power these things put out probably has to do with price, weight, and consumer expectations. If…
That makes sense.
Ahh. I’d always thought that in terms of energy it was still a tradeoff, as in if your battery at a given voltage has 750 kWh, it can either produce 750 kW for an hour, or 150 kW for 5 hours, minus conversion inefficiencies and such.
I don’t know about anyone else, but I’d much rather have a little less horsepower and torque (a crossover doesn’t need to be quicker than an F40, fergoodnesssakes) in exchange for more range, and maybe some light towing or additional cargo (read: roof-mounted cargo box) capability. Just sayin’.
Dear Porsche: this is what you should have made the Panamera look like.
The back still looks WAY too small. If this thing is going to successfully compete against the RAV4, CR-V and Escape, it needs to have more room. Like, lots more room.
Hopefully, the commentariat will remember this and next year’s poll will be as everyone expected this year’s to be.
We had The Love Bug on VHS, and I watched it almost every day. When we finally got a taped-off-the-TV recording of Monte Carlo, I watched it almost every day as well. The other ones just weren’t quite as good, and I think not having Jones had something to do with it. The local video store also had Snowball Express,…
Don’t know why anyone would have to brag about being the #1 Acura dealer in Central Oklahoma, after all, there’s only one.
Of course, one of the most popular BMW options would be V2V delete.
Question: Are there any plans (now or previously) to use C-5s for aerial refueling? I would think given its capabilities, especially with the re-engine, it would be ideal for that.
Another downside to roses is apparently different colors of roses are supposed to mean different things. Like never get someone yellow roses (even if the person is originally from Texas) because apparently those mean “friendship.”
Surprised no one’s posted this yet:
In Tulsa, one of the news writers for the Tulsa World does a column in the sports section as “The Picker.” If LSU is playing an interesting game, he’ll usually include it because of the Les Miles connection. Oh, and his nickname for Miles? Loopy Les. So you’re not the only one to think he’s nuts, we do here too.