I think one of the things that gets overlooked in any closed-cockpit discussion is some sort of cooling for the driver, even if it’s one of the helmet-mounted systems they run in NASCAR.
Not to mention the fact that the 300 (a much better car, with more room and features and less rental-ness) starts at $31,595 and has most of the stuff you tacked onto the 200 standard.
Whatever you do, don’t talk in third person:
I think FRR is probably the best bet for Bowyer, if he doesn’t end up with Ganassi. The stuff they’ve done since Kansas this year has been great, and it’s good to see Truex with a quality ride.
I think the craziest thing about Baylor, beyond any world-crushing DEs or lights-out offenses, has been their ascendance. Less than 10 years ago, a game against Baylor was as good as a bye week. Starters out by the end of the first half, on the way to a complete blowout. It’s good to see what they’ve built.
hazers, punchers, convicts, rustlers, cut throats, murderers, bounty hunters, desperados, mugs, pugs, thugs, nitwits, halfwits, dimwits, vipers, snipers, con men, Indian agents, Mexican bandits, muggers, buggerers, bushwhackers, hornswogglers, horse thieves, bull dykes, train robbers, bank robbers, ass-kickers,…
I’m sure he’s good, but is he as good as Manny Mota?
You know it’s what automakers want eventually since the cars will be so cheap to produce. We’ll see what unions, and more importantly buyers, say about it.
I’ll say this now, with my flame suit firmly in place: if a Big 12 team was to go to the SEC and be able to keep up, it’d be Oklahoma. They’ve beat Alabama before and could do it again, they play the style of “we pass, but running’s good too” football, and they’ve always had a good defense. And I say this as a…
Guard. A guy at work has one (it was one of the first ones at any local dealer) in Guard and it looks fantastic.
I voted for Tulsa. Twice. So no, you’re not the only one, but I went to Tulsa so I have an excuse.
Looks like a giant Tylenol.
Not an economist here (though I did take both macro and micro in college, so I have a basic understanding) but how can China just decide to devalue their currency? Do they print more money? Is it just on their exchange, and other exchanges follow suit? How can they just do that?
Needs a hardcover edition.
LeMons. ‘Nuff said.
I still don’t agree with so many of the assumptions about China’s economy. Yes, here, a slowdown like that would be a reflection of consumer confidence and indicative of a larger issue, but maybe the explanation there is that those who have money have cars, and those who don’t get along just fine.