KC Resident

RIP Dennis Reynolds.

I was going more with since both were set in bars.

This was a fantastic call back episode. I used to watch these here and there on Comedy Central rereuns and they were funny, but I never saw them in order. Watching it straight through shows the layers they add on. Fantastic show. Not all episodes hit peak Sunny, but almost always better than network sit-coms.

Dennis turning off the lights to the bar was an homage to Sam turning off the lights at the ending of Cheers.

Ha. I also thought this was the weirdest 21 Jump Street episode ever.

Holy shit. Right on. When the teacher dude and his wife were walking through the church looking at the blood stains, all I could think was, "I think the same people that wrote dialogue for The Strain are writing for this show."

Winona put a turtle toy in the baby's crib at the start of the episode. As well as Dewey's obsession.

Turtles. What about the turtle references?

That bugged me to. Wouldn't the boom boxes draw walkers from elsewhere?

Where does Rick plug his Mp3 player into?