
Pffffft. It’s just locker room talk, snowflakes!

Who said it should not be investigated? Investigate away! You have the facts laughably wrong, but regardless.

you should change your name to the boy who cried wolf. just keep beating that dead horse though.

The transcript itself is a Macguffin by now.... The exact words have kinda stopped mattering, now that we know what the crime was and how deep it goes. So, Adam Schiff & Co. will probably get the other calls’ transcripts, and the full complaint, in due time (right now, they’re saying “early next week” for Intel to

Lol, maybe in a vacuum.

Ukrainian president: “about the military aid...”

I’m sure he was shocked by what he saw. He still completely failed in the moment. Just because we understand or sympathize with his cowardice doesn’t mean it should be forgiven.

Also I have a feeling that JoePa, on at least one occasion, pulled Sandusky aside and said “you better knock that off.” He assumed the “little problem” was then permanently settled.

That’s for coining a new phrase or hashtag #ChopperWhopper

“...we don’t want our people like Vice President Biden and his son creating to the corruption already in the Ukraine, and Ukraine’s got a lot of problems...”

The next 14 months are going to hurt more than the previous 27. The Democrats should have impeached 9 months ago. They were warned what would happen if they didn’t. This is dereliction of duty.

Yeah. The fact that we even need to have a discussion about “hardening” schools is a serious condemnation of our society.

You’re stupid and your trolling fucking sucks. Try harder. 

nah, they’re going to gleefully mock him for this until he’s dead, and then they’ll still laugh about it from time to time after that. it’s horrible and shameful (and leaves no room for them to complain about anyone else’s insults), but just look at how they reacted to John McCain’s illness and death.

Booker didn’t raise it by taking a cheap shot in the debate ... using a *very* iffy point of pedantry for context and a fig-leaf of cover. Booker gave an interview where he basically makes the same observation you do here. You asked for one literal example of a way to approach questioning Biden’s mental acuity that

Ehh....I get your point but I also think maybe we should be holding ourselves to as higher standard than that. Just because the bar has been set so low it’s basically nonexistent doesn’t mean it’s okay to start at the bottom.

The electorate gave the Dems the House to both oppose Trump’s agenda and expose his corruption, and yet somehow they are completely reluctant to do either.

Get to Dancing With the Stars, you shitheel.

I don’t know why it twists his dick so much, but it sure does.”

Warrens more than worth voting for. My family has been here since a little before the inception of the country. If you think for a second that I believe all of the names in books are 100% true you’re out of your skull. The real world has never worked like that...