I realize this is not even remotely close to the point but that is quite obviously not a river
I realize this is not even remotely close to the point but that is quite obviously not a river
Right?! I’m honestly pretty bummed at the tone of this comment section. Dude announces every one of his personal, ethical, political, and metaphysical commitments is wrong, and...it must be some kind of con? C’mon. There are too many other people in need of hating to waste it on this guy.
This change is a good thing. I think we should support and encourage it so more are more likely to do so, instead of being so cynical about it.
Yeah seriously. Sure he’s (was?) an idiot but the people taking his advice seriously given his age and experience are even dumber.
The thing is, it’s entirely difficult to separate, because he’s always doing this. Is it because he’s trying to distract from something else? Is it just because he’s a raging narcissist that can’t stand not to be in the conversation? Is it more that we’re just paying attention to his obnoxious twitter-BS in ways we…
It's sure as hell keeping me constantly stressed anyway.
If Trump isn’t enough to get your “feels” in gear to go vote, nothing the democrats do will ever help you.
“We have one slim chance and that’s voting.”
This is a pretty perfect encapsulation of how fucking worthless Democrats are.
“Rampant criminality in the White House? We better role out a scattered, dense and difficult to follow message about how we are the cautious and practical party. That will drive voters to the…
It’s good to see someone so optimistic as to believe any of us will be alive in five years time!
The Dem leadership really thinks they can be so pusillanimous in the face of Trump’s crimes, yet still expect people to turn out in the numbers they need in ‘20?
Nancy Pelosi is a hot garbage. Shitlibs got us the first four years of Trump and shitlibs are gonna get us another four years of Trump.
I have spent far too much time defending her, trying to give her the benefit of the doubt. Seriously her and Schumer can fuck right off, if you’re not willing to fight for this country’s future stand aside and let someone else take the party’s reins.
Because anytime the Left calls out the Right, it only hurts the Left and makes the Right stronger. Labour needs to take a page from the Democrats’ playbook who, in the 80s, reached accross the aisle to work in tandem with Ronald Reagan, and then proceeded to win every election ever all the time forever.
Yes, really. That’s a picture of him not touching a sleeping woman. How mad am I supposed to be about him not touching someone?
No, the Democratic leadership made it clear that they wanted him out before — and instead of — a due process investigation. You’re confusing his hand being forced with him voluntarily making a decision to leave. You know how staffers in the White House sometimes “resign” for “personal reasons?” Here’s a little inside…
Way to completely miss the point in order to be a snide troll. Well done.
So mob justice is the only way to deal with sexual harassment?
This is an unfair position. The impeachment issue is a perfect illustration of how much power is wielded behind the scenes. Acting like he could have just stonewalled party leadership seems mighty convenient in hindsight.
This is just a woefully ill-timed political piece that no one was asking for. Franken fell on his sword, perhaps a little too fast.
Sorry, the way he was treated was bullshit. He should regret resigning.