
They made a point of noting that in the British criminal justice system a defendant can be retried if there is compelling new evidence. Perhaps that will come into play in series 3.

FWIW, as a female trial attorney, who has represented a number of women is sex harassment and sex discrimination cases, I have seen sexists IRL, and do not find Moffat to be one.
(I have briefly discussed Moffat's female characters, above.)
The seizing on isolated examples of characterizations and dialogue to paint

I'm afraid I did not think the episode was sexist. Other than the three Doctors, the main roles were female (Bad Wolf Rose/Moment, Kate, Osgood, Elizabeth I), and each were strong, independent characters. With respect to other female characters written by Moffat - Sally Sparrow, the mother in the Doctor Dances, Cass

Great series.  For those of you who do not know, there is an extra scene that was filmed that works as a short epilogue and takes place at Danny's wake.  It was only released online.  If you google "Broadchurch extra scene" you can find it.  Well worth watching.