I wonder if this was some sort of courtesy vehicle experiment used for leading tour buses or delivery vehicles to their assigned location? I guess like a road-traffic version of the “Follow Me” Beetles.
I wonder if this was some sort of courtesy vehicle experiment used for leading tour buses or delivery vehicles to their assigned location? I guess like a road-traffic version of the “Follow Me” Beetles.
I was going to raise the very same question. I suspect that many early EV owners worked close to home and didn’t have to worry about the relatively short range, or relegated the EV to puttering around town while the gas car was used for the long commute and road trips.
1) signal, 2) move over, 3) brake. Far too often, I see people who do this: 1) brake, 2) move over, 3) maybe signal. This is wrong.
Very easy to do - On a warm day when the plastic is a little more flexible, the wires can be tucked into the trim around the windshield with a plastic spatula.
Very easy to do - On a warm day when the plastic is a little more flexible, the wires can be tucked into the trim…
I think RR will figure out a way to keep using the V12, most likely as a hybrid.
I can only imagine the dinner conversation leading up to that
Hot water and crumpled newspaper.
I have two things.
You write: The 1950s-era Mercedes-Benzes come to mind, as they used the horn ring as their turn signal switch...
That’s because Tesla fans are insane.
I’ve never owned or driven a vehicle with a steering wheel lock to the best of my knowledge.
The “What to Do” section seems to be missing a rather important step. What’s listed there is correct, but limited to the “if everything goes right” scenario. I’d like to suggest some more steps...
please remember to lock your wheels away from the curb when you park on a hill.
I couldn’t help but wonder if this was a “with racing in mind” decision. I’m not sure if track day was a thing when these cars were produced, but maybe it was for either 1) the driver estimating how many more laps could be driven before a pit stop, or 2) fueling up “just enough” for the race session needed to…
and then the blur tool along the edges to smooth out the jaggies.
Put them under the expressways where there is dense traffic. Then as technology allows for scaling, put it under all roadways. Then you car can practically charge as you drive anywhere.
The late 90's Taurus/Sable would like to speak up as well...
As someone who grew up in the ‘70s with an Atari 2600, the games you describe here were the absolute paragon of realism.
And as a bonus, you can use it to measuremeat!
And as a bonus, you can use it to measuremeat!
“Kroil” is another product I hear praised, but I never have seen it on a shelf.