Counterpoint: Jared Kushner.
Counterpoint: Jared Kushner.
I can think of 130,000 reasons.
“and if she was so upset that he won, why did she work for him? I don’t understand that part.”
I truly have no sympathy for any of his supporters. Zero.
It is a odd that a segment of our population, including some of our beloved politicians, believes that doctors are performing “abortions after birth” but show very little interest in the real threats facing babies today.
Fuck those fucking fuckers.
1) Ms Sanchez was examined and found to be 8 months pregnant- but due dates can be iffy at most AND stress can bring about labor.
We need to end private prisons and the prison-industry complex.
A fan once broke into John Travolta’s house and hid in his closet.
Who would you take on your dream girl’s trip?
That works up until the fake crew photos/profiles, which seems to be a line that can’t be uncrossed.
I don't get the appeal of Stamos, tbh. He seems kinda skeevy to me.
I have two things : First, I’m sure Stamos doesn’t understand how lying and bribing people to get into college is a crime. College isn’t anything that was ever on his radar. I’m sure it is inconceivable to him that getting into a school is difficult or that for every unqualified person that gets in, a qualified person…
Ugh. “Kelly Clarkson successfully negotiated a schedule to allow her an appropriate work-life balance.” There I fixed it.
Kelly Clarkson demanded that NBC allow her time to drive her kids to school each morning.
Why is Jon Stamos’ opinion about this even a thing? They are lifelong friends - he’s not an attorney. And anything he says will get twisted around.
The tone of that People blurb seems off. According to People, Clarkson “demanded” and then she “put her foot down”, also she got “all dolled up.”
Bermuda, Bahama, come on pretty mama
Key Largo, Montego, baby why don’t we go
oh I want to take you but your too darn fat, just to buy some
I think she meant $KIM$