
I wondered if Hillary, while on her walk, thought about her votes for the war in Iraq or Patriot Act (twice). I wonder, If she thought about referring to African American youth as “super predators.” I wonder if she though about her time as Secretary of State and all of the death and chaos she caused in the Middle East

Hillary was not the majority. Donald+third parties = more than Hillary. Hillary did not get over 50% or another way to phrase it, the majority of voters picked some one else.

It is not only important to know that NAB players voted for Hillary, but they have better have done so without holding their nose.

You attack White racist, yet supported Hillary? Google cognitive dissonance.

Not true, winning the popular vote does not automatically mean you won more than half of the country. Trump + third parties = more than half of the vote.

By running Clinton you also gave a dictator. So, instead blaming everyone else, perhaps you should look in the mirror.

Don’t run a neocon disguised as a democrat and this shit wouldn’t happen.

I know what would be therapeutic, writing another article throwing shade at deadspin for not being overjoyed voting for Clinton.

Hey, maybe you should be mad at DNC for running a neocon against Trump? But no, this is everyone else’s fault.

I mean, at this point Clinton and Johnson have the same chance of winning (0%). So I suppose a vote for either candidate was a wasted vote.

Whatever you do democrats, please don’t look in the mirror. Blame 3rd parties, wikileaks, FBI, Russia, the media, etc...This loss has nothing to do with the fact the democrats basically trotted out a hawkish neocon. Sure, run someone who voted for the Patriot Act (twice), the war in Iraq, who is so hawkish that the

Maybe writing another snarky piece about the deadspin staff will everyone at Jezebel feel better?

Would it help to write another article throwing shade at the deadspin staff for not being more joyous about voting for Clinton?

Lol. Hillary doing something based on princple.

I didn’t see it posted here, but one of the leaks has her saying you have to have two separate polices, one “public” and one “private.” This may feed into the narrative that she is dishonest. I don’t think it is enough to sink her, or even hurt her much, but it still is not a good look.

Cool, just trying to understand when it is ok to be ageist. Thanks for making it clear.

I am against the conflict in syria and would like to see a peaceful resolution. It saddens me to see so many innocent people killed.

You I know, I never said Putin or anyone else you listed was innoncent. They are all guilty as well. But what do you care. I mean you probably are someone white redneck trump supporter.

Don’t be mad that I called you out on your bullshit.

Please, just go back to stormfront or drudgereport. Or where ever racist go to hangout. And yes pretending to me a member of ethnic minority is racist.